Case Study: Nic Bathurst

Natasha Berta
3 min readMar 18, 2021


Nic Bathurst is a dietitian and has a job that she finds really satisfying, but…she has a passion to support women through her own business.

Her business, Naturally Nic is blossoming beautifully after 5 years of consistent effort. You can find her on Facebook, sharing awesome (and BS free) product reviews of “healthy” food, you can get her freedom ticket — the “Sugar Truth” short course or you can work with her 1–1 to completely transform your relationship with food.

In the early days of her business Nic had a number of people support her to set up a website, Acuity, social media and eBooks, MailChimp, but she felt like she wasn’t techy. She used to cry when she had to do work in her business related to “the tech”. Things like MailChimp, website edits, Facebook ads, managing her Acuity and her Xero accounting. Nic would get so overwhelmed with all the tech she knew she needed to learn so she could move forward in her business.

She came to me because she thinks she is not techy; to get my help to do things for her and to learn to do them for herself.

At the time I was offering a year long mentoring program called the Elevator — to take business women to a new level. I was basically helping members wherever they were at, with anything they needed a hand with (that was within my scope).

I supported Nic with her website, her MailChimp, her social media and basically anything she brought to the table. We looked at the list of things we’ve worked on over the last year and she said I need to tell you I’m a one stop shop.

Gradually, over time Nic has started to get the hang of doing techy things for herself.

Part of the success was knowing that I had her back so she could just try, and invariably learn, rather than worry about “breaking” things.

I believe that a lot of technicians get a thrill from using jargon and talking down to their customers which ultimately disempowers the end user.

I strive to support people to feel capable and at ease with their tech. But this can take a little while and practice.

One tool I love to use is video how-to’s so that people can work along with my simple instructions. They can pause me and do each step with me.

Another thing that has been successful to support Nic has been mentoring her on exactly how to do things herself. I demo once and then I sit with her while she does it. This really helps rewire the neural pathways around each task. Following up with more practice then seals the deal on the learning.

Of course, some things that are one off tasks I may simply perform for her. But any tasks that will be done again and again can be easily learned with caring support and practice.

Now Nic does a lot of her own tech. She sends emails, works on her automations, edits her Acuity email reminders, manages her Zoom meetings, edits her website landing pages, runs webinars, and runs her own Facebook ads. She also just set up all the tech of her new course in FreshLMS by herself.

And better than all the things she can do, Nic now knows that when she gets that uncomfortable feeling about tech, she can learn how to do it and it will get easier. No more tears for Nic over tech. Now she is capable and runs many of her online business actions confidently.

Would you love to talk to me about getting support with your business?

I’d love to chat. You can book a free chat and we can discuss your needs and all of the other things I mentioned here.

Go ahead and book a free chat here:



Natasha Berta

Hi! I’m the owner of Connected Marketing, helping you connect with your ideal clients without selling your soul :)